2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME 2021)
-Annual Report of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
The 3rd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET 2021)
2021年生物醫學工程科技研討會(TSBME 2021)-科技部醫工學門成果發表會
暨第三屆國際工程與科技研討會(ISET 2021)
November 19-20, 2021
How to Participate in the TSBME 2021 Online Conference
In response to the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), the Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME 2021) and Annual Report of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, to be held physical and online meetings simultaneously. If you choose an online meeting, please follow the following instructions.
The conference uses the Webex online meeting system. Please click on the following link to install before the meeting. (https://www.webex.com/zh-tw/downloads.html).
The link will be provided on the official website. The conference will use the Webex system for meetings. (please make sure your registration payment is completed before the conference date).
The conference room is open for the online participant 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. The conference will use the Webex system for meetings. Please enter the conference room with the name you use in registration system. After clicking the link, the participant will be straight away entering the 'Conference Lobby.' From the lobby, you may enter your specific conference room (RoomA/ RoomB / RoomC etc.) as stated in the schedule by selecting the 'Breakout Session' on the right side of the lobby window. The technical team will be available in the lobby to assist you.
For oral presentation, the session chair will play 12 minutes pre-recorded presentation, and it will be followed by 3 minutes of Q & A. For poster presentation, the session chair will play 2 minutes pre-recorded presentation, and there will be no Q & A(Judges will directly evaluate the performance during the flash talk.). Please print out the poster and ask others to post it on the day of conference, or send the printed out poster (A0: 841mm x 1189mm, portrait) to TSBME2021 office by 11/16. (Office address: Dr. Shu-Ping Lin, Graduate institute of biomedical engineering, 145 XingDa Rd.,south district, Taichung City 402, Taiwan.)
During the meeting, played video will not be retained on the website. Also, participants do not record the image during video recording.; thank you.
Important: The participant must log in using a personal computer to enable you to select the Breakout Room. Smartphones or tablets may not support the 'Breakout Room' function.
Video Presentation Submission Guidelines
Webex instructions for Nov 19. pdf
Webex instructions for Nov 19. ppt
如何參加TSBME 2021線上會議
因應新冠肺炎疫情變化,2021第四十一屆年生物醫學工程科技研討會(TSBME 2021)-科技部醫工學門成果發表會改為實體會議與線上會議同步進行。若您選擇線上會議,請按照下列規定完成會議參與。
大會採用Webex線上會議系統。請在會議前,點擊以下連結進行安裝。 ( https://www.webex.com/zh-tw/downloads.html )
會議室在當天會議開始前15分鐘開放入場,大會將利用Webex系統進行會議,進入會議室時請以大會註冊系統中的姓名入場。點擊鏈接後,與會者將立即進入“會議大廳”。 從大廳,您可以通過選擇大廳窗口右側的“分組會議”進入時間表中所述的特定會議室(RoomA/RoomB/RoomC 等)。 技術團隊將在大廳為您提供幫助。
各Session口頭發表每篇論文報告時間為15分鐘,其中影片播放12分鐘,3分鐘Q&A時間由講者在線上回答。壁報發表將播放2分鐘預錄影片,無Q&A,評審將直接對影片表現評分,另外,參與壁報發表線上須將紙本海報(A0: 841mm x 1189mm,直向)印出,請其他人代為張貼或於11/16前寄至大會(台中市南區興大路145號生醫工程所 林淑萍收)。
注意:參與者必須使用個人電腦登錄才能選擇分組討論會議室。 智慧型手機或平板電腦可能不支持“分組討論”功能。