2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME 2021)
-Annual Report of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
The 3rd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET 2021)
2021年生物醫學工程科技研討會(TSBME 2021)-科技部醫工學門成果發表會
暨第三屆國際工程與科技研討會(ISET 2021)
November 19-20, 2021
[2021/08/01~2021/09/06] 最終邀稿公告 Final Call for Abstract!!!
Call for Abstract 徵稿主題
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE; ISSN: 2199-4757; SCI/IF: 1.173)
或Applied Sciences (ISSN: 2076-3417; SCI/IF: 2.474)國際期刊中。
生醫影像與生醫信號處理(Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing)
組織工程與再生醫學(Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine)
醫療器材與醫療儀器(Medical Devices and Instrumentation)
復健輔具科技(Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology)
智慧醫療、人工智慧與大數據(Smart Healthcare: AI, IoT, Big data)
奈米醫學與奈米技術(Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology)
臨床工程(Clinical Engineering)
科技部成果發表 (Annual Report of Ministry of Science and Technology)
摘要文稿請參考上方附件之範本。 版面請使用A4大小,總計不超過兩頁(包括圖形和表格)。 對於主要文章格式,請使用標楷體並分為兩欄。 提交內容應包含以下部分:中英文摘要、緣由與目的、材料與方法、結果與討論、結論、致謝及參考文獻等。 圖表等可以列在文中,或參考文獻之後。 論文若是國科會之專題計畫成果,請加註國科會計畫編號。並完成第三頁的著作授權同意書。(不包括在兩頁的限制內)。 每篇論文至少需一名作者註冊繳費,定稿期限內未繳費者,一律不刊登論文。請以PDF檔案上傳至EasyChair投稿系統, 有關文稿之其他格式及詳細信息,請參考上方提供的範本。
#Instructions for Abstract Submission
2021TSBME English Abstract Template
Please prepare the abstract file according to the Word template attached above. The submission should be prepared as an A4-sized document not exceeding two pages in total (including figures and tables). For the main text format, kindly use two columns, Times New Roman size 10 font with single spacing. The submission should contain the following sections: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, and references. Figures and tables can be placed embedded in the text or at the end of the document, after the references section. Please also fill out the “Power of Attorney for Presentation Materials” authorization page at the last page (not included in two-page-limit). Each paper requires at least one author to register for payment. A registered applicant can only report up to two papers. After preparing the Word document, please export the document as a PDF and upload the file to the online submission system--EasyChair. For other formatting details of the abstract file, please refer to the template provided.