2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME 2021)
-Annual Report of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
The 3rd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET 2021)
2021年生物醫學工程科技研討會(TSBME 2021)-科技部醫工學門成果發表會
暨第三屆國際工程與科技研討會(ISET 2021)
November 19-20, 2021
地點 Venue:
台中市南區興大路145號 國立中興大學 應用科技大樓
Applied Science and Technology Building, National Chung Hsing University
Xingda Road, South District, Taichung City 402, Taiwan
最新消息 News
以下提供發表得獎之獎狀連結,請未領取獎狀之得獎者自行下載,大會將不另行寄發。 The link to the award certificate is provided below. To the awardees who have not received the award certificate, please download the certificate via the link. The conference will not send certificates separately.
TSBME 得獎獎狀 TSBME Award Certificate
以下提供研討會照片連結。Below are links to photos of the conference.
參加壁報發表者,若需大會將壁報寄回,請在本週四(11/25)前填寫以下表單,若否,大會將代為處理海報。Participants need the poster to be sent back by the conference, please fill in the following form before this Thursday (11/25). If not, the conference will handle the poster on your behalf.
TSBME 2021壁報寄回需求表單 Form of TSBME 2021 poster return request
以下公布TSBME 2021得獎者名單。The TSBME 2021 list of awards is announced below.
TSBME 2021使用Webex作為線上會議平台,大會提供會議連結。電腦介面以及手機介面之使用方法請查看「Webex使用說明」。TSBME 2021 will use Webex as the online meeting platform. The conference will provide meeting links. For how to use the computer interface and mobile interface, please see "Webex instruction".
TSBME 2021大會「交通資訊」更新。大會提供由高鐵至中興大學的「乘車服務」,歡迎有需要之與會者在11/17前報名並填寫資料。因交通車設有人數限制,未能登記到者請自行搭乘大眾交通工具。The conference provides "Transportation Services" from HSR to Chung Hsing University. Participants in need are welcome to sign up and fill in the information before 11/17. The maximum no. of passengers is 42. Those who cannot reserve your seats, please kindly take the public transportation.
為落實防疫,請所有實體會議與會者填寫「TSBME研討會健康關懷問卷」。In order to implement the epidemic prevention, all onsite conference participants must fill in the "TSBME Health Care Questionnaire".
(銀行代號:006中原分行) 帳號: 1391-717-200651
110/11/12 00:00分之後不接受匯款/轉帳,請在註冊後於會議當天現場現金繳交註冊費(無早鳥優惠價)。
TSBME 2021 晚宴將舉辦於美食家碳烤海鮮餐廳: 臺中市大里區永隆里永隆路528號,查看地點。The TSBME 2021 banquet will be held at the gourmet charcoal grilled seafood restaurant: No. 528, Yonglong Road, Dali District, Taichung City, check the location.
[2021/11/04]參與壁報發表線上會議者須將紙本海報(A0: 841mm x 1189mm,直向)印出並於11/16前寄至大會(台中市南區興大路145號生醫工程所 林淑萍收)。For those who attend the online conference poster presentation, please send the hard copy of your poster (A0: 841mm x 1189mm, portrait) to TSBME2021 office by 11/16. (Office address: Dr. Shu-Ping Lin, Graduate institute of biomedical engineering, 145 XingDa Rd.,south district, Taichung City 402, Taiwan.)
[2021/10/29]最新影片上傳規定之資訊已更新。The information on the latest video upload regulations has been updated.
[2021/10/28]請各發表者於10/31前確認「口頭發表與壁報發表的作者、抬頭與單位」。大會將於11/1供佈最終版本,11/1後恕不接受更動。若上述發表資訊有任何問題,請依照以下聯絡資訊聯繫負責人。Please confirm the "Author, Title and Unit of the presenter(both oral and poster)" before 10/31. The conference will provide the final version on 11/1, and no changes will be accepted after 11/1. If you have any questions about the above information of presenters, please contact the person in charge according to the following contact information.
Oral Presentation:
Email: chianhuilai@dragon.nchu.edu.tw
Office: (04)22840733 ext. 634
Poster Presentation:
Email: kcliao@dragon.nchu.edu.tw
Office: (04)22840733 ext.632
[2021/10/22] 壁報發表之報告時段已公布,請發表者點選附檔查看。The schedule of poster presentation has been announced, please click the below link for the detailed information.
*Poster Presentation Program
[2021/10/06] 口頭發表之報告時段已公布,請發表者點選附檔查看。The schedule of oral presentation has been announced, please click the below link for the detailed information.
*Oral Presentation Program
本次大會共計450篇文章(108篇口頭論文,155篇壁報論文,20篇科技部口頭報告,167篇科技部壁報報告)。最新議程將於近期公布。Final Program will be announced later.
參與線上會議者請於報名連網頁中,詳填郵寄地址(Mailing Address),以便會後寄送報名收據。參與實體會議者,會議當天現場取得報名收據。
因應新冠肺炎疫情變化,2021第四十一屆年生物醫學工程科技研討會(TSBME 2021)-科技部醫工學門成果發表會改為實體會議與線上會議同步進行。報名費用(Registration Fee)已更新。詳細資訊於近期更新並通知報名者。 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME 2021) and Annual Report of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, will be held onsite and online simultaneously.
發表之相關規定請參考演講者須知。 Please refer to Instructions for Presenters for the relevant rules of the presentation.
點此,了解如何參加TSBME 2021線上會議。 Click here to learn how to participate in the TSBME 2021 online conference.
[2021/11/19~2021/11/20] Conference
[2021/09/15~2021/10/31] 早鳥註冊 Author registration/ early-bird registration starts
[2021/10/31] 早鳥註冊結束 Early-bird registration ends
[2021/08/01~2021/09/06] 最終邀稿公告 Final Call for Abstract!!!
徵稿期限延至2021/09/06。The deadline for Call for Abstract is extended to 2021/09/06.
Final Call for Abstract: Sept. 06, 2021
Registration Starts from Sept. 15, 2021
Early-Bird Registration: Oct. 31, 2021